1757 - I Woke Up but my Swing Didn't
First of all, I'd like to take the opportunity to thank my lovely wife Carissa for allowing me to play both days this weekend... In retrospect, I should have asked to play in the afternoon instead of the morning... I can chalk up this round to five important factors: 1) Cold weather: It was a balmy 45 degrees when I started the round and not much warmer at the end. 2) Tee Box not commensurate with Driving Distance: Since it was so cold, I probably should have played the white tees. Alas the guys I was paired with all wanted to play the Blues. Suffice to say while they felt good about their manhoods, I'm guessing they didn't feel so hot about their games. 3) 6:52 AM tee time: You read that right... 6:52 AM. At that ungodly hour, I didn't remember how to swing once I got onto the course. 4) Fresh Aeration: Didn't expect to make too many putts. 5) The course: Water on all but three holes... I showed up early enough to hit a few balls and roll a few putts bu...