The Audacity of Craig's List

As part of my weekly (ok fine, DAILY) trolling of Craig's List for great deals on golf items, every now and then I come across a few gems but more often than not, I come across some abject stupidity... Which brings me to this post.

The golf nuts who read my blog know about the Kirkland Ball sold by Costco, for those of you who do not, here's a short recap:

"My Golf Spy ran multiple tests and determined that, based on their findings, the cheap Costco ball ($15 per dozen) actually performed better in some categories (most categories!) than the expensive Pro-V1 ($48 per dozen). This seems preposterous, but it's actually true."

Sadly the balls are no longer available at Costco or on (they sold out in mere hours...)

Now here is the post on Craig's List:

That's not a misprint. This guy wants $70 for 12 balls...  That's roughly $5.83 per ball...  For balls that cost (no lie) $15 per dozen. The top of the line golf ball (the aforementioned Pro V1) costs $48 per dozen (or $39 per dozen for the prior season models)... The poster also had the audacity to bait the posting with a $1 price tag...

I'll let you come to your own conclusion... But to quote Charles Barkley, "Turrible, Turrible."


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