Coronavirus Diaries Day 7 - "Take one for the Team"

In my 40+ years on earth, I've said some pretty stupid things, some mean things, some funny things, some touching things, and some downright wrong things. One particular time sticks out for me.

I was in college, sophomore year (or second year to all you UVA students) and we were ready to take our first test in Mass and Energy Balances, the first class all Chemical Engineering undergrads have to take. I learned from the older students in the major that the professor, Dr. Conger, graded on a curve. So, in a more arrogant and bombastic version of me (still basically a teenager), I tell the rest of the class while we're waiting in the hallway to go into the exam,

"Guys, I know only half of you actually want to be engineers and a even smaller percent of you actually want to be chemical engineers, so I want you all to forgo any partial credit you may get answering a question partially and just fail completely. You need to "take one for the team" and lower the average so the rest of us can get a better passing grade." Yeah, I was pretty arrogant.

Why that story? Because Dan Patrick (no not that Dan Patrick) the Lieutenant Governor of Texas suggested that grandparents be willing to sacrifice their lives to save US economy... He literally said, "No one reached out to me and said, 'as a senior citizen, are you willing to take a chance on your survival in exchange for keeping the America that all America loves for your children and grandchildren?'" Patrick said. "And if that's the exchange, I'm all in."

The US economy does not get my last full measure of devotion. Especially considering my socioeconomic group are not the target beneficiaries of this economy...


  1. Wow, you really said that out loud? Did you get any curse words hurled at you?


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