
Showing posts from April, 2020

Coronavirus Diaries Day 32 - Sometimes you can find some gems on QVC

As Emerson, Lake, and Palmer never said, "Welcome back my friends, to the quarantine that never ends, we're so glad you could attend, stay inside, stay inside!" Been a little while since I last wrote. I should write more but trying to spend more time with the family and do more around the house, just short of requiring trips to Home Depot or Lowes. But for some levity, here are some light hearted anecdotes: My mother-in-law, in addition to being really good at injecting epi-pens, is addicted to QVC shopping... For years and years she has been shopping and overwhelming her husband and daughters with the merchandise. The stuff also has a habit of piling up in her closets, basement, and garage. But I will admit, she did hit it out of the park with a few items that came in handy during a quarantine. Phone Soap . No, it's not actually soap for your phone, but an UV Light Phone Sanitizer and charger. She bought this for us at least two years ago and it basically ga...

Coronavirus Diaries Day 22 - So Long and Thanks for All the Fish!

Hello my friends and Happy Good Friday! Another week at home and another entry in the official (B)log book. In addition to Good Friday, it was supposed to be Cut Day at the Masters... We'll just have to wait until November. Until then, I'll have my net in the backyard. Sadly over the past few days there have been really annoying stiff winds that kept me inside doing my drills. Hopefully my swing plane has flattened out and my tempo has improved (not likely, but I can dream!) But for the week in review: 1) Currently Binging: Hyena . After wifey and I finished watching the second season of  Kingdom , we followed the actor who played one of my favorite characters (The Crown Prince) and we land in a totally different kind of series. Inside the world of high-powered lawyers and the high-profile clients they defend. Twists, turns, and agendas around every corner. Very compelling and worth the watch. Must like subtitles... 2) The End of an Era: After almost 10 years, I fin...

Coronavirus Diaries Day 17 - Ain't No Sunshine in Georgia because the Governor is Stupid (and other random thoughts)

Been a busy week to say the least. The powers that be seem to have hit a stride with telework or maybe just overloading us to see how much we can handle... Work / life balance becomes very interesting when you're never more than 100 feet away from your work station... So  But for the week in review: 1) Rest in peace Bill Withers... Ain't no sunshine now that you're gone... He left behind some iconic music. Thank you! 2) Brian Kemp. You may remember (or not) that this man was elected the governor of Georgia after being the Secretary of State of Georgia and thus being in charge of overseeing the election that he somehow won... But voter suppression aside, the main reason for this is the unbelievable comments he made on April 2nd . After finally issuing a statewide stay-at-home order,  Kemp justified his decision by saying he only now was “finding out that this virus is now transmitting before people see signs.” Here are some facts: A) Brian Kemp is the governor of Ge...