Coronavirus Diaries Day 32 - Sometimes you can find some gems on QVC

As Emerson, Lake, and Palmer never said, "Welcome back my friends, to the quarantine that never ends, we're so glad you could attend, stay inside, stay inside!"

Been a little while since I last wrote. I should write more but trying to spend more time with the family and do more around the house, just short of requiring trips to Home Depot or Lowes.

But for some levity, here are some light hearted anecdotes:

My mother-in-law, in addition to being really good at injecting epi-pens, is addicted to QVC shopping... For years and years she has been shopping and overwhelming her husband and daughters with the merchandise. The stuff also has a habit of piling up in her closets, basement, and garage. But I will admit, she did hit it out of the park with a few items that came in handy during a quarantine.

  1. Phone Soap. No, it's not actually soap for your phone, but an UV Light Phone Sanitizer and charger. She bought this for us at least two years ago and it basically gathered dust. It was a solid thought based on the fact that cell phones are germ sponges. But it was the supergerm called Coronavirus that forced this machine into heavy rotation... Now the mother-in-law looks like a prophet, or at least a hipster!
  2. Corky's BBQ Wings. Yes, you can order these on QVC. Memphis style BBQ isn't my first choice, especially since you have to traverse through the gauntlet of North Carolina and even Nashville to get there. But considering the glut of wings available due to the cancellation of March Madness, I'm guessing mom-in-law got them for a great price. Since we had room in the freezer, we grudgingly accepted them. The family and I finally tried them today (even Carson had some) and I have to admit I loved them. The sauce was tasty, not overpowering, and the perfect flavor to add your own heat and not diminish the taste balance. 
  3. Undercover Chocolate Co. Who would have ever thought that chocolate covered puffed quinoa (not rice) would taste so good? The only bad part about the entire package, it's way too small. But if it were any larger, the entire bag would disappear along with my willpower. Definitely worth a try. They are available on Amazon too if QVC isn't your thing. Definitely better for you than your standard cookie...
New Binge: Jack Ryan (Amazon). The wife and I finished two seasons in two days. Not bad considering we do all of our binging when Carson is asleep. Not what I would call the epitome of television but it was pretty entertaining. Pretty fun seeing characters from a whole bunch of other shows (not action or spy related) play agents, terrorists, and meat-eater super assassins. Worth a watch.

New Proud Papa moment: Carissa and I were giving Carson his daily alphabet lessons. We were naming fruits and vegetables that started with a letter and make Carson go get the plastic vegetable that was on the floor. When the letter "L" came up, we told Carson to go get a lemon. We saw a yellow fruit on the floor that he passed by and we got a little disappointed. But Carson reached into one of his boxes and found the lemon and brought it to us. Turns out the yellow piece of fruit on the floor was a yellow apple. HE'S LEARNING!! Don't want to jump the gun but I'm pulling out the calculus textbooks now.

Not-So-Random thought of the day: When the day comes that we are able to go back to "work," or more aptly, our buildings, will we? 

Until then, stay safe, stay home, keep grinding!


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