New Obsession: Wordle

This blog post is dedicated to my new obsession: Wordle

The link if you're so inclined: Wordle - A daily word game (

I'm quite happy there's only one word per day, otherwise this would essentially dominate my day trying to figure out how many of these I could do in a single day. But it gives me something to look forward to each morning. It also gets the competitive juices flowing between my wife, me, and my brother and sister-in-law. 

Part of me looks forward every morning to my wife asking me if I did the wordle yet and me trying to finish it in the same (or fewer) amount of turns. My wife is highly competitive so if one of us fails, then we'll never hear the end of it (at least until the next game). 

Until the next time! Stay safe and get that dictionary app :)



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